Joint Modeling of Crop and Irrigation in the central United States Using the Noah‐MP Land Surface Model

Zhe Zhang, Michael Barlage, Fei Chen, Yanping Li, Warren Helgason, Xiaoyu Xu, Xing Liu, Zhenhua Li

Representing climate-crop interactions is critical to earth system modeling. Despite recent progress in modeling dynamic crop growth and irrigation in land surface models (LSMs), transitioning thes...
Zhe Zhang, Michael Barlage, Fei Chen, Yanping Li, Warren Helgason, Xiaoyu Xu, Xing Liu, and Zhenhua Li. 2020. Joint Modeling of Crop and Irrigation in the central United States Using the Noah‐MP Land Surface Model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, Volume 12, Issue 7, 12(7).
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