Passive Disposable Microwave Sensor for Online Microplastic Contamination Monitoring

Maziar Shafiei, Zahra Abbasi, Carolyn L. Ren

In this paper, non-contact microplastic concentration monitoring is enabled using a sensitivity-enhanced planar microwave sensor. The sensing platform is a tag-reader structure that consists of a dual-resonator tag and a passive microwave reader. The dual-tag structure is combined with a silicon reservoir as a sample container and is energized through the electromagnetic (EM) coupling with the reader. The extremely sensitive area of the tag resonators is exposed to the sample under the test; it creates an exceptional microplastic deposition monitoring with the concentration of the microplastic in the liquid under the test as low as 400K particles/L. The sensor monitors the deposition of microplastic particles in the mixed liquid in a real-time manner and reflects it as the frequency resonance variation in the transmission response.
Maziar Shafiei, Zahra Abbasi, and Carolyn L. Ren. 2022. Passive Disposable Microwave Sensor for Online Microplastic Contamination Monitoring. 2022 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium - IMS 2022.
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