Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume 61, Issue 9

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American Meteorological Society
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Meteorological Factors Responsible for Major Power Outages during a Severe Freezing Rain Storm over Eastern Canada
Julie M. Thériault | Vanessa McFadden | Hadleigh D. Thompson | Mélissa Cholette | Julie M. Thériault | Vanessa McFadden | Hadleigh D. Thompson | Mélissa Cholette

Abstract Winter precipitation is the source of many inconveniences in many regions of North America, for both infrastructure and the economy. The ice storm that hit the Canadian Maritime Provinces on 24–26 January 2017 remains one of the most expensive in history for the province of New Brunswick. Up to 50 mm of freezing rain caused power outages across the province, depriving up to one-third of New Brunswick residences of electricity, with some outages lasting 2 weeks. This study aims to use high-resolution atmospheric modeling to investigate the meteorological conditions during this severe storm and their contribution to major power outages. The persistence of a deep warm layer aloft, coupled with the slow movement of the associated low pressure system, contributed to widespread ice accumulation. When combined with the strong winds observed, extensive damage to electricity networks was inevitable. A 2-m temperature cold bias was identified between the simulation and the observations, in particular during periods of freezing rain. In the northern part of New Brunswick, cold-air advection helped keep temperatures below 0°C, while in southern regions, the 2-m temperature increased rapidly to slightly above 0°C because of radiational heating. The knowledge gained in this study on the processes associated with either maintaining or stopping freezing rain will enhance the ability to forecast and, in turn, to mitigate the hazards associated with those extreme events. Significance Statement A slow-moving low pressure system produced up to 50 mm of freezing rain for 31 h along the east coast of New Brunswick, Canada, on 24–26 January 2017, causing unprecedented power outages. Warm-air advection aloft, along with a combination of higher wind speeds and large amounts of ice accumulation, created ideal conditions for severe freezing rain. The storm began with freezing rain along the entire north–south cross section of eastern New Brunswick and changed to rain only in the south, when local temperatures increased to >0°C. Near-surface cold-air advection kept temperatures below 0°C in the north. Warming from the latent heat produced by freezing contributed to persistent near-0°C conditions during freezing rain.

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Quantifying the Impact of Precipitation-Type Algorithm Selection on the Representation of Freezing Rain in an Ensemble of Regional Climate Model Simulations
Christopher D. McCray | Julie M. Thériault | Dominique Paquin | Émilie Bresson

Abstract Given their potentially severe impacts, understanding how freezing rain events may change as the climate changes is of great importance to stakeholders including electrical utility companies and local governments. Identification of freezing rain in climate models requires the use of precipitation-type algorithms, and differences between algorithms may lead to differences in the types of precipitation identified for a given thermodynamic profile. We explore the uncertainty associated with algorithm selection by applying four algorithms (Cantin and Bachand, Baldwin, Ramer, and Bourgouin) offline to an ensemble of simulations of the fifth-generation Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM5) at 0.22° grid spacing. First, we examine results for the CRCM5 driven by ERA-Interim reanalysis to analyze how well the algorithms reproduce the recent climatology of freezing rain and how results vary depending on algorithm parameters and the characteristics of available model output. We find that while the Ramer and Baldwin algorithms tend to be better correlated with observations than Cantin and Bachand or Bourgouin, their results are highly sensitive to algorithm parameters and to the number of pressure levels used. We also apply the algorithms to four CRCM5 simulations driven by different global climate models (GCMs) and find that the uncertainty associated with algorithm selection is generally similar to or greater than that associated with choice of driving GCM for the recent past climate. Our results provide guidance for future studies on freezing rain in climate simulations and demonstrate the importance of accounting for uncertainty between algorithms when identifying precipitation type from climate model output. Significance Statement Freezing rain events and ice storms can have major consequences, including power outages and dangerous road conditions. It is therefore important to understand how climate change might affect the frequency and severity of these events. One source of uncertainty in climate studies of these events is related to the choice of algorithm used to detect freezing rain in model output. We compare the frequency of freezing rain identified using four different algorithms and find sometimes large differences depending on the algorithm chosen over some regions. Our findings highlight the importance of taking this source of uncertainty into account and will provide researchers with guidance as to which algorithms are best suited for climate studies of freezing rain.